Eisner Week Celebration Resources - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B8hiWpT20ECAu6-14qGooQXBx5tYQDN0iNOPOKUjzY8/edit?usp=sharing

https://youtu.be/Z74PKicrXtA?si=UFLxVKTHCjnoXyFK - A discussion about the legacy of Will Eisner and the impact of comics as literacy. Thank you to Matthew Noe, Tim Ogline, and Emily Schindler for an inspiring conversation.

https://youtu.be/1_iXrslFEFo?si=ynXOaZoolhES47Dk - A conversation about the legacy of Will Eisner and the importance of comics as literacy. Thank you to Sara Smith, Christina Taylor, Shannon Live, and Moni Barrette for an inspiring conversation.


War of the Worlds, Totalitarianism, and Media Literacy https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-S2rVr3V3HNjhsuhOEghSp-V7MhcBPA52E8tlJI83x8/edit?usp=sharing

US State Department lesson - creating a national superhero - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kjndr4WOhiZScLnzSbfTCoBSakS1Ztd-qQhetMG7qMM/edit?usp=sharing

https://www.mackidsschoolandlibrary.com/teachers-guide-speak-the-graphic-novel/ - educator guide for the graphic novel adaptation of Speak

https://www.historycomics.net/free-comics-1 - Tim Smyth’s website - all comics are fee and available online. Manty different topics and grade levels represented.

https://historycomics.edublogs.org/2014/11/06/fairytales-as-artifacts/ - Modern Fairytale lesson

https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00086056/00001/1j - ABCs for Baby Patriots - British picture book on imperialism

https://historycomics.edublogs.org/2016/04/24/history-superheroes/ - making historical figures into superhero lesson and templates

https://www.pbs.org/newshour/classroom/2022/09/lesson-plan-teaching-9-11-through-comics/ - Spider-Man 9/11 lesson by Tim Smyth

https://jarrettlerner.com/activities/ - Jarrett Lerner website - creating and finishing comics

https://t.co/Yl1l8blca9 - Smithsonian link - teaching Japanese-American incarceration camps. Complete mini comics and lesson ideas. Also information having students create their own comics, for any lesson, form one piece of paper.

https://americanenglish.state.gov/resources/teaching-comics-and-graphic-novels?fbclid=IwAR1s-jd0P3gVqMufQTiiWVqPMuSnCyu4k-lfhp6GJjvhUu17wyB3muU3h0k#child-2639 - US State Department resources for an online comics creation course. HUGE list of resources and comics examples from around the world - students creating national superheroes and solving problems. Excellent examples to show different ways to make comics - hand drawing, pictures, PowerPoint, Pixton, and more.

https://www.learningforjustice.org/magazine/spring-2015/martin-luther-king-and-the-montgomery-story - MLK, Jr. and the Montgomery Story comic - also has resources for educators.

https://abcnews.go.com/International/fullpage/madaya-mom-42363064 - Madaya Mom from Marvel Comics and ABC News - based on texts from a mother in Madaya, Sryia during the conflict.

https://thecomicrepublic.com/ - free comics from Nigeria

Graphic Novel/Comics reviews and lists -

https://www.ala.org/rt/gncrt/awards/best-graphic-novels-reading-lists - American Library Association best comics reading list


https://www.ala.org/yalsa/great-graphic-novels - HUGE listing of graphic novels for teens from the American Library Association

https://mangainlibraries.com/ - huge resource for Manga

https://www.graphiclibrary.org/ - great comics resource for comics in schools

https://imaginationsoup.net/the-best-graphic-novels-for-kids/ - large listing of graphic novels and some educator tips as well.

https://childhood101.com/comic-books-graphic-novels/ - list organized by age level for younger readers

https://noflyingnotights.com/ - lists and reviews - many by students.



chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.tracyedmunds.com/uploads/8/2/5/6/82569464/award_winning_gns_te.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0dwrw8ZbmQ0JX-KNhDjlbqN419JMFIvfqoqnXUkKYkL2hHdftT5lXpHBI - award winners

“graphic novels books for kids” - good search thread for Amazon



